International IT security company with offices in Switzerland, Germany and Canada.
Gain Security
Penetration Tests and Security Reviews
Through technical attacks and social engineering we test infrastructure, systems, and applications. We report on vulnerabilities as well as countermeasures.
24/7 Support in Case of an Emergency
Digital Forensic and Incident Response
Experience, expertise, and suitable tools are available for the processing and analysis of your IT incidents.
Stayin current
Security Lab and Awareness Training
Let us show you the latest cyber attacks, learn about cutting edge technologies, or deepen your knowledge in our security lab.
Hands-On & Capture-the-Flag
Hacking-Lab™ is our online platform for ethical hacking and security challenges. Perfect for Capture the Flag events, Universities, and employee trainings.
Solution for secure file transfers
Secure and comfortable sharing and sending of files. Available both as a service and as an on premise appliance installation.
Compass Security
Gain Security
24/7 Support in Case of an Emergency
Stayin current
Compass Security: Cyber Security and Cyber Defense Services
In the role of the hacker, we test devices, networks, services and applications as well as the behavior of employees. We uncover vulnerabilities and provide you with recommendations on how to fix them.
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Experienced IT analysts support you with a second opinion on security concepts and if requested, test the structure, configuration, and source code of your solution.
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We go after your critical assets like an adversary would do and aim to fulfil pre-defined missions. It is the goal of red teaming to measure and improve your organization's detection and response capabilities.
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We connect you with researchers from around the world who continuously and comprehensively assess the security of your applications for vulnerability - For effective and efficient security testing according to your own rules.
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Our experts help in coordinating incident and emergency measures as well as with the processing of data for use in court. Additionally, we provide quick and accessible research into the cause of incidents.
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FileBox is a solution for both secure file transfer and secure file storage. It provides you with the ability to securely exchange documents.
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Hacking-Lab is an online ethical hacking, computer network and security challenge platform, dedicated to finding and educating cyber security talents.
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Benefit from our analysts' knowledge of penetration testing, network analysis, digital forensics, secure mobile apps, and other applications, or choose to receive training in our specially created lab.
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In the last post about bypassing web filters, I discussed how SNI spoofing works and how this can also be prevented by web filters. This post is about…